This is preprint of a paper published in Class. Quantum Grav.,
vol. 22, No 18 (21 September 2005), S1243–S1254

An all-sky search of EXPLORER data

P Astone, D Babusci, M Bassan§, K M Borkowski#, L Brocco||, E Coccia§, S D'Antonio§, V Fafone, S Frasca||, G Giordano, P Jaranowski£, A Królak$ * @, A Marini, Y Minenkov§, I Modena§, G Modestino, A Moleti§, A Pai, G V Pallottino||, C Palomba, M Piêtka£, G Pizzella, L Quintieri, F Ricci||, A Rocchi§, F Ronga, R Terenzi+ and M Visco+

† Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFN, Rome, Italy
‡ Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare INFN, Frascati, Italy
§ University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and INFN, Rome II, Italy
|| University of Rome "La Sapienza" and INFN, Rome, Italy
¶ University of Rome "Tor Vergata" and INFN, Frascati, Italy
+ IFSI-CNR and INFN, Rome
# Center for Astronomy, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruñ, Poland
£ Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Bia³ystok, Bia³ystok, Poland
$ Albert Einstein Institute, Golm, Germany

We have analyzed three data sets, each 2 days long, of the EXPLORER resonant bar detector. We have searched for continuous gravitational-wave signals from spinning neutron stars. Our data analysis technique was based on the maximum likelihood detection method. We briefly describe the theoretical methods that we used in our search and we present results of the search. The main outcome of our analysis is an upper limit of 1×10-22 for the dimensionless amplitude of a continuous gravitational-wave signal. The upper limit is for any source location in the sky, any polarization of the wave and for signals of frequency from 921.00 Hz to 921.76 Hz and with spin down from -2.36 ×10-8 Hz s-1 to +2.36 ×10-8 Hz s-1.

1  Introduction
2  Data analysis methods
    2.1 Response of a bar detector to a continuous gravitational-wave signal
    2.2 Optimal data analysis method
    2.3 An approximate model
    2.4 Search strategy
    2.5 False alarm probability, detection probability, grid of templates
3  An all-sky search of EXPLORER data
    3.1 Parameter space
    3.2 Data selection
    3.3 Results
4  Upper limit

1  Introduction

When we observe a continuous gravitational-wave signal by a ground based detector for a sufficiently long time its phase and amplitude are modulated due to the motion of the detector with respect to solar system barycenter. Therefore detecting such a signal and estimating its parameters enables determination of the position of the source of the wave. Further, in the data from a single detector gravitational waves from all sky locations are registered. This enables an all-sky search for continuous gravitational waves with a single detector. The difficulty in the search for gravitational-wave signals is that they are very weak and they are deeply buried in the noise of the detector. Consequently the detection of these signals and interpretation of data analysis results is a delicate task. In this paper we present results of an all-sky search for continuous sources of gravitational radiation. A prime example of such a source is a spinning neutron star. A signal from such a source has definite characteristics that make it suitable for application of the optimal detection techniques based on matched filtering. Moreover such signals are stable as a result of the stability of the rotation of the neutron star and they will be present in the data for time periods much longer than the observational interval. This enables a reliable verification of the potential candidates by repeating the observations both by the same detector and by different detectors.
In our all-sky search we have used the data of the EXPLORER resonant bar detector [1]. A directed search of the galactic center with the EXPLORER detector has already been carried out and an upper limit for the amplitude of the gravitational waves has been established [2].
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we summarize the theoretical tools that we use in our analysis, in Section 3 we present results of our all-sky search, and in Section 4 we derive the main result of our analysis which is an upper limit for the dimensionless amplitude of continuous gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars. This is a revised upper limit with respect to one we previously reported for a shorter period [7].
The data analysis was performed by a team consisting of Pia Astone, Kaz Borkowski, Piotr Jaranowski, Andrzej Królak and Maciej Piêtka and was carried out on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding between the ROG collaboration and Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences. More details about the search can be found in [9].

2  Data analysis methods

In this section we give a summary of data analysis techniques that we used in the search. More details are given in Refs. [3,4,5,6,7].

2.1  Response of a bar detector to a continuous gravitational-wave signal

The dimensionless noise-free response function h of a resonant bar gravitational-wave detector to a weak plane gravitational wave in the long wavelength approximation [i.e., when the size of the detector is much smaller than the reduced wavelength l/(2p) of the wave] can be written in the following form
h(t) = 4
Ai hi(t),
where Ai are four constant amplitudes that depend on amplitude ho and phase fo of the wave and two polarization angles i and y. The time dependent functions hi have the form
h1(t) = a(t) cosF(t),    h2(t) = b(t) cosF(t),
h3(t) = a(t) sinF(t),    h4(t) = b(t) sinF(t).
The functions a and b are amplitude modulation functions (see Eqs. (3) of [7]), and F is the phase modulation (see Eq. (6) of [7]). The amplitude modulations a and b depend on the right ascension a and the declination d of the source and they are varying with a period of 1 sidereal day. The phase F depends on the frequency w0, the s spin-down parameters wk (k=1,¼,s), and on the angles a, d. We call the parameters w0, wk, a, d the intrinsic parameters and the remaining ones the extrinsic parameters. As we shall see in the following Section we only need to search for signals over the intrinsic parameter space. The whole signal h depends on s + 7 unknown parameters: ho, fo, i, y, a, d, w0, wk. The response also depends on the position of the detector with respect to the solar system barycenter (SSB). This position can be determined with a great accuracy using JPL Planetary and Lunar Ephemerides DE405/LE405.

2.2  Optimal data analysis method

Assuming that the noise in the detector is an additive, stationary, Gaussian, and zero-mean random process we can derive the optimum matched filter for the signal given in Section 2.1. Under a simplifying assumption that the observation time To is an integer multiple of one sidereal day and assuming that over the bandwidth of the signal h the spectral density Sh(f) of the detector's noise is constant and equal to Sh(f0), where f0 is the frequency of the signal measured at the SSB at the beginning time of the analysis, the application of the matched filter reduces to evaluating the F-statistic given by
F  =   2

Sh(f0) To

+ |Fb|2

Fa : =   ó

x(t) a(t) exp[-iF(t)] dt,
Fb : =   ó

x(t) b(t) exp[-iF(t)] dt.
In Eq. (4) x(t) is the h-reconstructed data and á · ñ denotes time averaging over the observational interval [0,To].
The F-statistic given above depends only on the intrinsic parameters whereas the estimators of the four amplitudes Ai are given in an explicit analytic form:

= 2 áx h1ñ


= 2 áx h2ñ


= 2 áx h3ñ


= 2 áx h4ñ

The estimators of the signal parameters are obtained in two steps. Firstly, the estimators of the intrinsic parameters (frequency, spin-down parameters, and the angles a and d) are obtained by maximizing the functional F with respect to these parameters. Secondly, the estimators of the amplitudes Ai are calculated from the analytic formulas (5) with the correlations áx hiñ evaluated for the values of the parameters obtained in the first step.

2.3  An approximate model

In order to calculate the F-statistic efficiently we introduced an approximation to the phase F(t) of the signal consisting of expansion of the motion of the Earth around the Sun in a Taylor series. We find that for a 2-day long data set the following approximation is satisfactory:
Ys(t) = p + p0 t + p1 t2 + A cos(Wr t) + B sin(Wr t),
where Wr is the rotational angular velocity of the Earth. The characteristic feature of the above approximation is that the phase is a linear function of the parameters of the signal. The parameters A and B are related to the right ascension a and the declination d of the gravitational-wave source through the equations
A =  w0 r

 cosd cos(a - fr),
B =  w0 r

 cosd sin(a - fr),
where w0 is the angular frequency of the gravitational-wave signal and r is the equatorial component of the detector's radius vector with respect to the center of the Earth. The parameters p, p0, and p1 contain contributions both from the intrinsic evolution of the gravitational-wave source and the modulation of the signal due to the motion of the Earth around the Sun.

2.4  Search strategy

With the above approximation the integrals given by Eqs. (4) that we needed to compute in order to evaluate F are Fourier transforms and they can be efficiently calculated using the FFT algorithm. Thus the evaluation of F consists of correlation of the data with two linear filters depending on parameters p1, A, B followed by FFTs. In Ref. [6] we have verified that for the case of our search the linear approximation to the phase does not produce a loss in signal-to-noise ratio of more than 5%. The linear approximation is the better the shorter the observation time, the narrower the bandwidth and the higher the frequency of the signal.
In order to identify potential gravitational-wave signals we apply a two step procedure consisting of a coarse search followed by a fine search. The coarse search consists of evaluation of F on a discrete grid in the intrinsic parameter space and comparison of the obtained values of F with a predefined threshold Fo. The grid is constructed in such a way that the loss of the signal-to-noise is minimized. The parameters of the nodes of the grid for which the threshold is crossed are registered. These events are called triggers of our search. The threshold is calculated from a chosen false alarm probability which is defined as the probability that F crosses the threshold when no signal is present and the data is only noise. The fine search consists of finding a local maximum of F for each trigger using a numerical implementation of the Nelder-Mead algorithm [10], where coordinates of the starting point of the maximization procedure are the parameter values of the coarse search.

2.5  False alarm probability, detection probability, grid of templates

To calculate the false alarm probability as a function of the threshold and to construct a grid in the parameter space we introduce yet another approximation of our signal. Namely we use a signal with a constant amplitude and the phase given by Eq. (6). In paper [4] we have shown that the Fisher matrix for the exact model with amplitude modulations given by Eq. (1) can be accurately reproduced by the Fisher matrix of a constant amplitude model. As the calculations of the false alarm probability and construction of a grid in the parameter space are based on the Fisher matrix we expect that the constant amplitude model is a good approximation for the purpose of the above calculations. We stress that in the search of real data we used the full model with amplitude modulations.
False alarm probability PTF(Fo) is the probability that the F-statistic crosses a threshold Fo and is given by
PTF(Fo) = 1 - [1 - PF(Fo)]Nc ,
where Nc is the number of cells in the parameter space, i.e., the number of statistically independent realizations of the F-statistic when the data is only noise and PF is false alarm probability for a single cell. If the detector noise is Gaussian, 2F has c2 distribution with 4 degrees of freedom and PF is given by
PF(Fo) = (1 + Fo) exp(-Fo).
Probability of detection PD(d,Fo) is the probability that a signal with signal-to-noise ratio d crosses the threshold Fo and it is given by
PD(d,Fo) : = ó

p1(d,F) dF,
where (here I1 is the modified Bessel function of the first kind and order 1)
p1(d,F) =  




  I1 æ

  exp æ
-F –  1

d2 ö
We choose the grid of templates in such a way that the correlation C between any potential signal present in the data and the nearest point of the grid never falls below a certain value. In the case of the approximate model of the signal that we use the grid is uniform and consists of regular polygons in the space parameterized by p0, p1, A, B. The construction of the grid is described in detail in Section VIIA of [2]. For the grid that we used in the search of the EXPLORER data the correlation function C for any signal present in the data was greater than 0.77.

3  An all-sky search of EXPLORER data

We have implemented the theoretical tools presented in Section 2 and we have performed an all-sky search for continuous sources of gravitational waves in the data of the resonant bar detector EXPLORER 1 [1]. The detector has collected many years of data with a high duty cycle (e.g. in 1991 the duty cycle was 75%). The EXPLORER detector was, in the year 1991, most sensitive for two narrow bandwidths (called minus and plus modes) of about 1 Hz wide at two frequencies around 1 kHz 2. To make the search computationally manageable we analyzed two days of data in the narrow band where the detector had the best sensitivity. To narrowband the data we use the FFT data base in which EXPLORER data are stored and extract the data by doing inverse FFT of the Fourier data for a bandwidth of our choice. The procedure of extraction a narrow band sequence from FFT data base is described in detail in [2], Appendix C. By narrowing the bandwidth of the search we can shorten the length of the data to be analyzed as we need to sample the data at the rate of only twice the bandwidth [8].
For the sake of the FFT algorithm it is best to keep the length of the data to be a power of 2. Consequently we have chosen the number of data points to analyze to be N = 218. Thus for To = 2 days of observation time the bandwidth Dn was Dn = N/(2To) ~ 0.76 Hz. We analyzed the data around the plus resonance of the system, because in the chosen period it was most sensitive, compared to the minus resonance. The same analysis could be repeated around the minus resonance As a result we searched the bandwidth from 921.00 Hz to 921.76 Hz. We have included 1 spin down parameter in the search and we have searched the spin down range from -2.36×10-8 Hz s-1 to +2.36×10-8 Hz s-1. We have first searched one 2 day stretch of data. The first results of that analysis were reported in [7]. We have then performed two further searches of 2 day stretches of data.

3.1  Parameter space

We have used the filters with the phase linear in the parameters given by Eq. (6). In the filters we have included the amplitude modulation. The number of cells Nc in parameter space which is the number of independent realizations of the statistic F when there is no signal in the data was around 1.6 ×1012. Consequently from Eq. (8) the threshold signal-to-noise ratio for 1% false alarm probability was equal to 8.3. In the search that we have performed we have used a lower threshold signal-to-noise of 6.7. The aim of lowering the threshold was to make up for the loss of the signal-to-noise ratio due the discreteness of the grid of templates and due to the use of filters that only approximately matched the true signal. The number of points in the grid over which we had to calculate the statistic F turned out to be 183 064 440. This number involved 63 830 positions in the sky and 2 868 spin down values for each sky position.

3.2  Data selection

The two-day stretches of data that we have analyzed were taken from a larger set of 13 days of data taken by the EXPLORER detector in November 1991. We have first carried out a characterization of the data. We have divided the data into 216 points sections corresponding to around 11 hours of data. For each stretch we have obtained a box-and-whisker plot, we have estimated spectral density, and we have performed the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test.
The box-and-whisker plots display the amount of outliers present in the data. Each box has lines at the lower quartile, median, and upper quartile values of the data stretch. The whiskers are lines extending from each end of the box to show the extent of the rest of the data. Outliers are data with values beyond the ends of the whiskers and they are marked by a + sign. The whisker extends to the most extreme data value within 1.5 interquartile range of the box. Spectral density gives us sensitivity of the detector at a given frequency. The KS test calculates the KS distance between the sample distribution and the Gaussian distribution and test the null hypothesis that the data come from the Gaussian distribution. The output of the test is the p-value which is the probability of observing the KS distance under the null hypothesis. Thus the higher the p-value the more "Gaussian" the data are.

Figure 1: Quality of the EXPLORER data. The x-axis gives the number of the 11-hour block of data from the 13-day data run. The top panel are the box plots for each block of data. The middle panel is the spectrogram of the data. Spectrogram contains spectrum of each block of data. The bottom panel gives results of the KS test. The vertical lines indicate beginning and end of each search that we have performed.

The results of the characterization of our data are presented in Figure 1. From the KS test we conclude that large parts of our data are approximately Gaussian. We have chosen the three 2-day long stretches of data on the basis of conformity of the data to the Gaussian random distribution. The stretches we have chosen are marked by vertical lines in Figure 1. The Modified Julian Dates of first samples of the three sets are 48580.7909, 48590.3221, and 48582.7854 respectively.
In Figure 2 we have presented the spectral densities of the two day stretches of data that we have chosen. We see that the minimum spectral density was close to 10-42/Hz.

Figure 2: Two-sided spectral density of the three 2-day stretches
of EXPLORER data that were analyzed.

3.3  Results

Search Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere
I 15663 21601
II 9883 11666
III 18776 23850

Table 1: Number of triggers for the three searches of EXPLORER data.

In Table 1 we present numbers of triggers in the three searches for threshold corresponding to signal-to-noise ratio of 6.7. We recall that this threshold is lower than the threshold of 8.3 corresponding to false alarm probability of 1%. In Figure 3 we have plotted the histograms of the values of the F-statistic for the independent candidates and we have compared them with the theoretical distribution for F when no signal is present in the data. We see that we obtain a good agreement with the theoretical distribution of (1/2) c2 with 4 degrees of freedom only for the first set of data that we have analyzed. The other two data sets show non-Gaussian behavior which is most prominent for the third set.

Figure 3: Histograms of the values of the F-statistic of triggers for the 3 searches of EXPLORER data. The solid line corresponds to the theoretical (1/2) c2 distribution with 4 degrees of freedom. The x-axis gives values of the F-statistic.

The next step of our analysis is the verification of the triggers using filters based on the accurate model of the signal presented in the previous section. The verification procedure consisted of 5 steps.
  1. Fine search using the linear filter.
  2. Fine search with accurate templates that includes precise detector ephemeris.
  3. Fine search for the signal in another 2-day stretch of the available data.
  4. Fine search of a 4-day stretch of data consisting of the original one and the 2-day stretch of data following it.
  5. Fine search in the whole data set
In the first search no event has crossed our 99% confidence threshold of 8.285. In the second search there was one event crossing, however the event has not crossed the threshold of 6.7 in a different data set and in the 4-day stretch the event has not even crossed the threshold of 6.7. For the third search there were 76 threshold crossings. There were no corresponding crossings of the threshold of 6.7 in a different data set and for 4 days of observation time highest increase in signal-to-noise ratio was 5%. Typically the signal-to-noise ratio for 4 days has decreased by around 15%. Consequently we can attribute the 8.285 threshold crossings to non-Gaussian behavior of the noise as the 99% confidence of this threshold was calculated assuming the data were Gaussian.
The results of the verification procedure for one of the triggers are presented in Figure 4. A trigger of signal-to-noise ratio 7.4, crossing of a low threshold of 6.7, occurred. In astrophysical parametrization an event of signal-to-noise ratio of 7.3, crossing our threshold also occurred. There was an event in a different stretch of data of somewhat lower signal-to-noise ratio of 6.7. However for 4 days of data signal-to-noise ratio decreased with respect to the signal-to-noise for 2 days. Consequently we do not consider this trigger as a gravitational-wave signal candidate.

Figure 4: An example of verification procedure of a trigger signal. The 4 panels are plots of F-statistic as a function of frequency. Signal-to-noise ratios and confidence levels corresponding to maxima of the F-statistic are given. The threshold corresponding to 1% false alarm probability is drawn by a horizontal thick line. The thin horizontal line denotes lowered threshold equivalent to signal-to-noise ratio of 6.7. For four days verification procedure the thin vertical line correspond to signal-to-noise ratio equal to Ö2 × 6.7. The left top panel is for approximate linear parametrization of the signal, the right top panel is for astrophysical parameters. Note the difference in the frequency of the trigger for the two panels. The frequency in linear parametrization contains contribution from the motion of the Earth around the Sun. The left bottom panel is the result of verification of the trigger in a different data set. The right bottom panel is verification in a twice as long data set. The trigger is not considered as a gravitational-wave candidate because it is not a significant signal in the 2-day search and its signal-to-noise ratio does not increase when we increase the observation time by a factor of 2. In fact the signal-to-noise ratio decreased by 5% instead of increasing (theoretically by a factor of Ö2).

In order to make sure that we do not miss any real signals among our trigger events we have carried out the verification procedure of all the triggers in the whole 13-day long data set available for us. If any of the triggers were a true gravitational-wave signal we should have obtained very strong signals of SNR equal to 17 or more. The largest signal-to-noise ratio we obtained for all three searches was 7.7.
In Table 2 we have given values of maximum signal-to-noise for all events at various stages of search and verification procedure and for all the 3 searches that we have performed.

Maximal signal-to-noise ratios
I 8.01 8.19 7.68 8.02 7.35
II 8.28 8.29 8.05 7.91 7.48
III 8.48 8.45 7.38 8.90 7.70

Table 2: Maximal signal-to-noise ratios of events at various stages of data analysis procedure. The maxima are quoted for each stage of the search separately and in general they correspond to different triggers. "Linear parametrization" means search using linear parametrization introduced in Section 2.3, ästrophysical parametrization" means verification using astrophysical parameters and precise ephemeris of the detector, "different data" denotes verification in a different set of data, "longer data" means verification in 4-day stretch of data, "all data" means verification in the whole 13-day set of data.

4  Upper limit

As we do not have a detection of a gravitational-wave signal we can make a statement about the upper bound for the gravitational-wave amplitude. We calculate our upper limit assuming Gaussian distribution of the detector's noise. We take a threshold value Fo of the F-statistic corresponding to the signal-to-noise ratio do of the loudest trigger obtained in the search, i.e., Fo = 2 + (1/2) do2. Then, using formula (10) for detection probability, we calculate the signal-to-noise dul of the gravitational-wave signal so that there is probability P that it crosses threshold Fo; dul is the desired P confidence upper limit. For several independent searches the relation between the confidence P and upper limit dul is given by
P = 1 - L
i = 1 
1 - PD(dul,Foi) ö
where Foi is the threshold corresponding to loudest event in ith search and L is number of searches. Here P is the probability that a signal of signal-to-noise ratio dul crosses the threshold Foi for at least one of the L independent searches.
In order to translate our upper limit for the signal-to-noise ratio to upper limit hul for gravitational-wave amplitude we assume that our source of a continuous gravitational wave is a spinning neutron star modelled as a triaxial ellipsoid. Since we have searched the whole sky we cannot assume a particular position of the source and a specific polarization of the gravitational wave. Therefore to relate amplitude of the wave and the signal-to-noise ratio we used the averaged expression given by Eq. (93) of [3]. Moreover as we do not know the frequency of the gravitational-wave signal for spectral density we take its average Šo over the bandwidth. Thus hul and dul are related by the following formula:
hul  =   5



Assuming confidence of 90% and taking the signal-to-noise ratios of loudest events for astrophysical parametrization equal to 8.19, 8.29, and 8.45 for searches I, II, and III, respectively, we find that for the 1st search dul = 9.5 whereas for all three searches dul = 8.5. This corresponds to average dimensionless amplitudes of 1.0×10-22 and 9.4×10-23 respectively. Since in the first search the data conformed very well to a Gaussian distribution we consider the upper limit for the first search as the most reliable.
Consequently we have the following conclusion from our search: In the frequency band from 921.00 Hz to 921.76 Hz, for spin-down range from - 2.36×10- 8 Hz s- 1 to +2.36×10-8 Hz s- 1, and for signals coming from any sky direction and of any polarization, the dimensionless amplitude of the gravitational wave from a continuous source is less than 1×10- 22 with 90% confidence.
This upper limit is higher than the one we previously reported [7]. The reason is that in [7] to evaluate the upper limit on amplitude we used maximal gravitational-wave amplitude and the minimal spectral density of the detector noise instead of the average quantities that we use here. In [11] a more sophisticated method to determine the upper limit was developed. In [11] instead of assuming Gaussian distribution of the data the probability of detection was obtained by injecting signals to the data.


The work of P. Jaranowski, A. Królak, K. M. Borkowski, and M. Piêtka was supported in part by the KBN (Polish State Committee for Scientific Research) Grant No. 1 P03B 029 27. We would also like to thank Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modelling of Warsaw University for computing time.


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* On leave of absence from Institute of Mathematics Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
1 The EXPLORER detector is operated by the ROG collaboration of the Italian Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN).
2 In 2000 the EXPLORER detector was upgraded and its high sensitivity was extended to a bandwidth of 10 Hz.

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