K.M. Borkowski
TRAO, Centre for Astronomy, NCU, Torun, Poland
This is an update to previous year's report at similar
Workshop. Although large portions of that report have been presented again at this
Workshop, I limit this web version to those points that were updated. The main conclusion
of this contribution is that for OCRA project, with array size demending placement of feeds
beyond about 20 cm off the telescope axis, the curvature of RT32 focal surface
and orientation of horns get increasingly important to become possibly a challenge
for designers of the full fledged project.
Pointing Lookup Table
No interpolation:
The green symbols on the plot below show the largest value of position errors
(composed of errors in the two coordinates added quadratically) of all knots
at each even degree of elevation (the missing off-scale errors for elevations close to
horizon can be inspected in this complete figure
of the previous report).
Presently this pointing error
does not exceed 0.001° for altitudes 50 to 78°.
Corrections of nominal coordinates presently are done
every 2° of azimuth and zenith distance using lookup table composed of
corrections computed from the
for odd number of degrees of the coordinates.
largest errors in pointing at knots of even values of the coordinates
expressed in integer degrees.
Largest errors in pointing due to sampling
of Model3
every 2° (now implemented),
1° and 0.5° (new control system)
With 0.5° step the error
will not exceed 0.001° for altitudes 15 to 88°.
Note: The higher errors at low elevations are due to rapid increase
of corrections in zenith distance as one approaches the horizon. On the
other end, for larger errors near the zenith responsible become fast growing
corrections in the azimuth coordinate.
Shape of Focal Surface
Earlier computations demonstrated that for optimally
positioned OCRA-f (about 9 mm above the focal plane) the outermost feeds (18 cm
off the telescope axis) will suffer negligible power losses due to aberration and
spillover (about 0.2 %) and acceptable losses due to fixed direction of horns
(about 3 %). Those computations assumed the parabolic on pedestal illumination
function while the OCRA feeds radiation patterns are known to match very well
the Gaussian function with 12 to 13 dB taper. For the small array size discussed
earlier the form of the illumination function does not make significant difference,
but is important for larger offsets.
Wavefront aberration losses in antenna gain as a function of
lateral displacement of feeds computed for the RT32 optics and observing
frequency of 30 GHz. The thinner
pink curve shows the losses with feeds kept
at the level of nominal focal plane, i.e. without refocusing, while the thick
red curve (lowest one) represents the minimum loss when
the feed z-coordinate and its direction of radiation pattern are adjusted.
The amount of the refocussing required is shown as the
blue curve; it corresponds to optimally directed
feed illumination pattern (i.e. roughly towards the centre of subreflector).
Losses and Pattern Deformation
Aberration (caused by uneven phase on the aperture), spillover
(rays missing the dish) and total losses for RT32 telescope with flat array of feeds
placed at the secondary focus and 10 cm above it. The total loss includes the two
losses drawn plus the effect of eccentric illumination. From numerical data (see
below) one easily notes that this effect, the asymmetry in amplitude distribution on the aperture due to parallelism of horns, quickly becomes the largest component of the total
losses and that this component is rather weakly sensitive to the z-coordinate adjustments.
These data were computed with the
software using its maximum available power (in terms of rays traced, i.e. 68 points on
the dish radius which means about 15000 rays) and Gaussian illumination function (assuming
12 dB taper at the dish edge and direction of maximum parallel to the telescope axis).
Click on this image to see a similar figure but with results for the 12 dB
parabolic on pedestal illumination function (the one that has been presented at
the Workshop).
Losses calculated for a flat OCRA array of feeds placed at two levels: in the focal plane and 10 cm above it (toward the prime focus). The column designations are:
| |
| z_off = 0.0cm | z_off = 10.0cm x_off| Angle Aberr Spill Eccentr Total | Angle Aberr Spill Eccentr Total cm | deg % % % % | deg % % % % 0 | 0 0 0 0 0 | 0 5.3080 0.0724 0.0000 5.3766 6 | 0.3759 0.0038 0.1355 0.1730 0.3121| 0.3800 5.1313 0.1694 0.1643 5.4476 18 | 1.1286 0.1264 0.3636 1.5536 2.0354| 1.1400 3.8766 0.3833 1.5658 5.7444 30 | 1.8787 0.8444 0.5463 4.3016 5.6280| 1.8995 1.9672 0.5657 4.3558 6.7677 42 | 2.6293 3.0165 0.7067 8.3781 11.7698| 2.6583 0.4283 0.7254 8.4887 9.5416 54 | 3.3790 7.6664 0.8652 13.6418 20.9522| 3.4163 0.6625 0.8845 13.8374 15.1653 66 | 4.1275 15.6052 1.0406 19.9074 33.1094| 4.1730 4.2034 1.0585 20.2554 24.4160 |
Note: As seen in this table, for 100-feed array the difference in total loss between the outer (54 cm off the axis and not 66 cm!) and inner feeds is about 10 % (for 66-cm offset it would be about twice as big!).
32 m antenna pattern at 30 GHz for a feed
with parallel radiation pattern placed 54 cm off-axis and 10 cm above
the focal plane. It has been generated with denser sampling on spacial
frequencies plane than in case of tabular data (here it is an array
of 101 × 61 u × v points while the tabular data, for speed of computation,
were limited to 25 × 13 point array). Inset shows amplitudes and phases
of all the rays on the aperture plane (red color indicates
rays lost behind the dish edge or those with weight zeroed).
The Gaussian illumination function with 12 dB taper was assumed
(click on the image to see similar figure computed for 12 dB
parabolic on pedestal illumination function and the offset of 66 cm
that has been presented at the Workshop). The brighter area near to
the right arrow tip represents the shifted maximum of amplitude distribution.
Further explanation to these figures can be found in
this descriptive text on OptiCass.
Bottom part of the same pattern rescaled and with main beam cut out
at 2 % of main lobe power at its maximum. Note the first side-lobe
on the right which is about 1.1 % high.
| |
Distortions of the power pattern shown above relative to an offset-free
pattern (i.e. after subtraction of a pattern computed for the same feed
but placed in the secondary focus). |
Example of OptiCass output
for Gaussian illumination function and outer feed 10 cm above focal plane. The last but one line contains the discussed losses (for interpretation of other content click on this link). Note differences as compared to corresponding data of Table which are due to assumed different resolutions on u-v plane. SETTABLE parameters # #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 Cassegrain: D,X_min,f,Xs_max,h2 [m] 0 32.000 -16.000 11.200 1.600 1.000 Subreflector: x,y,z, tx, ty [m,deg] 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Feed offsets: x,y,z, Dtx,Dty [m,deg] 2 0.540 0.000 0.100 3.416 0.000 Ray-tracing: N/R.NxNy,Nu,Nv,maxU,maxV 3 68.0000 100. 60. 2.500 2.500 Wavel,Taper,zAprt,pltD,pivot [m,dB,-] 4 0.010 -12.000 -8.343 2. -1. COMPUTED param's & x,z_piv,du,v,N 0.000 0.480 0.009 0.000 1.000 Main dish: f/D,f/Dp, D2, G,coordG [m] 6 0.3500 0.3500 32.000 5.714 16.000 angles: t_V,t_H, t_0, t_1, t_2 [deg] 7 142.151 142.151 0.000 -71.075 71.075 Subreflector: Dc,Dm,Ds2,Gs,Xs_min [m] 8 3.2000 3.2000 3.2000 0.5056 -1.6000 feed angles: t_VH,t_c,_0,_1,_2 [deg] 9 18.8256 0.0000 0.0000 -9.4128 9.4128 Cassegrain: f1, f2, fs, F, M [m,-] 10 1.0541 9.1459 10.2000 97.173 8.6762 Hyperbola: a,c,b,e, FSAmpRatio [m,-] 11 4.0459 5.1000 3.1050 1.2605 0.9933 Beam: t_u,t_v, HPBW_u,_v,_0 [deg] 12 -0.3203 0.0000 0.0222 0.0212 0.0208 Squint, phi_X,Y, apert_X,Y [deg,m] 13 0.3203 -3.4163 0.0000 -0.6052 0.0000Loss: Aberr,Spill,A&S,IllDec,Totl [%] 14 0.6617 0.8845 1.5404 13.8374 15.1647 pathR,ComaLow,-Hi,1stLob,Totl'[m,%] 15 0.1771 -0.0991 6.9312 1.0574 7.312 |
— KMB (kb@astro.uni.torun.pl) Last updated 2006.07.18 |